Sunday, September 11, 2011

To our Past, Current and Future Clients...

To our PAST clients;

I want to thank each of you for all the amazing times we have shared together and the ones to come. I value our time and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I have developed special relationships with lots of you, I have met your significant others and families, we have had bbq’s, hiked mountains, biked down rocky trails, conquered marathons, kayaked over glistening lakes, picnics, hockey games, partied like rockstars and had so many more awesome experiences together. We have been through blood, sweat and tears. I have seen some of you transform your physical fitness, emotional wellbeing and lifestyle far beyond what even I could have imagined. I am honoured to be a part of your growth.

As always, I am here for you as a resource and offer you support on your journey to a better wellbeing.

To our CURRENT clients;

You may have started out nervous not knowing what you were in for, but the commitment that you have demonstrated to all areas of your wellbeing simply put, is inspirational to me and our crew. I thank you for your trust. You make me a better person and we at S.Y.M.metry feed off your energy. You have broke down the barriers of “I CAN’T” and replaced it with “I WILL”. You have my utmost respect. Whatever we have you aiming towards, know that we will be beside you every step of the way cheering you on and pushing you farther then you have ever imagined possible.

Keepin’ the good times rollin’.

To our FUTURE Clients;

You are going to have to give up all perceived notions on what you “think” you can achieve. That internal dialogue in your head telling you “I’m to fat” “I can’t do that”“ I will look stupid” “I might fail” “This trainer is fucking crazy” needs to be put in check.

I promise you, this conditioned way of thinking will be non existent to you further down into your training, but for now, realize that it is there and proceed anyways.

What should you expect at Team S.Y.M.?

Expect loud music.
Expect to suck at the beginning.
Expect muscle soreness.
Expect to try new things you have never done.
Expect to be held accountable
Expect to drop all your excuses.
Expect to have fun.
Expect the best custom tailored training experience available.
Expect to work for every inch.
Expect results.

Your time is NOW and S.Y.M.metry Fitness is ready to deliver the goods.

Much love and let's getter' done!

D.J. McKay; Owner S.Y.M.metry Fitness and Health
Stength- Yoga- Meditation

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